
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

Man! I've already been tagged! Dang you, Brooke!

I had a hard time putting this together, so you are all welcome to add any I've missed! Be nice though! ;-) I'm sensitive! haha.

Here goes...

I was taken back to my elementary school days recently. Think of the game of tag as it was played endlessly from the bus stop to the playground. It has now reached the blogsphere. This post is dedicated to the Honest Scrap Award given to me by my friend Brooke.

The rules of this lovely award/game of tag is as follows…A) You must write 10 honest things about yourself that are interesting (of course, right?)B) Pass the award along to 7 other bloggers that you feel embodies the spirit of Honest Scrap.
1. First and foremost, as I've said before, I love the Lord and He is my Savior. I'm planning a post on this in the future, so I will leave it at that.
2. My family... Means the absolute world to me. This includes Matt and Cyd. I may not show it the best all of the time, but I hope and pray that each of them knows how special they are to me... Even the in-laws! ;-) I can't begin to describe how they've helped me along my life journey (so far). I most certainly wouldn't be the person I am today without them. I've got an "Ode to my families" post on my list to do too, so I will elaborate on each then... Yes, I do lay in bed thinking of what I can post about and yes, I do have a list of them! ;-) See #5.
3. I have a great circle of friends from my college years... We all "joined forces" that first crazy week in Mills Hasll and haven't stopped since! We even picked up Amanda along the way and she fit in like a charm! I MISS those days of hanging out on our porch smoking, did i say that!? It's an honest scrap award, so I guess I have to be honest...., going for joy rides in my Tracker, with the top down, to the park, 90210 & Dawson's Creek night, the SigEp house, the middle of the night trips to "Noah's Ark" -or whatever it was called and many more adventures that I will purposely leave out! ;-) I consider you all family! I can't wait until Drew and Em's wedding to see you all!!!
4. I don't really know what this says, but I have made such good friends at my "jobs." I also consider them family, as we do/did spend 8 hours 5 days of the week together! Katie, Arlene, Carolyn G., Tracie and Joy, that means you!
5. I'm a very scheduled person. I make lists' of lists'. Let me give you an example. I have THREE lists going for Cyd's b-day party... All of them containing the EXACT same information, just in a different "order!" I make lists' of each days activities, to do's, etc... If I don't make said lists, I WILL forget. mark my word... I feel lost without said lists' too... Anything to help my sanity, right? Now, going back to the scheduled part.... This doesn't vary much and I'm not going to bore you with the details... but, I admit, it's ridiculous. I'm very much a creature of habit to say the least!
6. I've been known by my family as a "nag." Don't know where I got this trait or why... I still do it to this day, but let me flatter myself and try to rationalize it. I feel like people will forget, so I like to call myself, PERSISTENT... A much better word than NAG. ;-) I'm also SENSITIVE. Oh man, when I would get in trouble, in high school, Debbie would start out her sentence with "Now, don't you dare start crying!" Of coarse, I did. I have no explanation for it. I would still cry today if I "got in trouble." I cry over prayer requests, stupid tv shows, the news-whether it's bad or good, in nervous situations. I DON'T KNOW WHY, I SWEAR. It just comes and I get SO mad at myself. It's a known fact with family, friends, co-workers, etc. that I'm a "cryer." Which spelling would you use for that??? Anyways...
7. I have wierd cravings! Everyone in my family & friends circle can attest to it... Again, I don't know where this came from, but it dates back to the good ol' days of trying not to get caught eating some it! ;-) You can sometimes find me itself, A1, soy sauce, peppercini's, & then right after one of those... powdered sugar of all things! Wierd. I know. I guess you can say that I lurve salt. Sometimes I think I can feel that I need salt or sugar... and after I eat it, I feel "balanced" again... Man, I hope after this post, you all don't think I'm too crazy....
8. I LOVE 24!!! Thank you Fox for bringing it back into my life! ;-) haha. I've spent 4 hours of my life watching it the past 2 days b/c they've had 2-2 hour specials Sunday and Monday! It was worth every minute of it though! I'm also a reality t.v. junkie. Amazing Race, Biggest Loser, lots of shows on hgtv (especially house hunters, international in particular), a&e (intervention), discovery (deadliest catch...i know, random!)...
9. I'm a sucker for gossip mag websites. i.e. and people.. (surprisingly, I haven't checked them today yet! ;-)).. I don't know why.. I would never want any of thier lives, but I guess I just like seeing how ridiculous they can be... Seriously, the bible study I'm in would ask me at the beginning of the night what was going on in celeb world! I guess I need an intervention myself! ;-) HOWEVER, I do keep up on world/local news on Fox & CNN... So, I try to be somewhat well-rounded, but again, since this is an honest scap blog, I have to be honest and say, the "other" shows get more of my attention! ;-) There's lots of exclamation points and smiley faces going on in this post! ;-)
10. Finally! My dad is 1 of 6, My mom is 1 of 12, Debbie is 1 of 2. = 17 Aunts & Uncles x 2 (spouses, girlfriends or boyfriends) and that EQUALS 34 Aunts and Uncles!!! Matt's dad is 1 of 11, his mom is 1 of 7... 16 Aunts & Uncles x2 (spouse, girlfriends or boyfriends) EQUALS 32! SERIOUSLY, I HAVE 66 AUNTS & UNCLES! (Give or take a few with divorce, etc..) But, How incredibly blessed are we!!??? I've never really done the math until now, but Holy Moly! ;-)
Ok, I guess I'm done! Sorry for the long post! It seems I'm a little windy! Ok. I'm only going to be able to tag a few, b/c I don't think I have many followers yet, but I'll tag 2 that I know look, or atleast I think they do, and haven't been tagged yet! You're up Katy, Court & Holly!

1 comment:

katy said...

Oh you just had to do that, didn't you. :) Now that you have a blog I'll get you back one of these times. :)