
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Eli is 6 Weeks Old!

This little guy is growing like a weed!
This Thursday (which is also Mimi's 2nd birthday!... Hello, pause, please!) he turns 6 weeks old!

I've got tons of 'daily' photos, but I'd rather share some from our newborn photo shoot. He was eight days old. Am I really just getting around to post these!? I just haven't felt a.n.y. desire to blog. I've got LOTS to blog about, so my goal this week is to get atleast 2 more in! We'll see if that happens! :) Don't hold me accountable! :)

We did these in his room, which he's been sleeping in for 3 weeks now!

He's been giving us lots of smiles, but they're pretty elusive to catch right now! :)

Not sure why this underlining, but I can't get it off!
I did not plan on being in any of these photos, but I really like this one!

He's eating every 3 hours.

Little dude finally lost his umbilical cord at 5 WEEKS! I was so excited to give him a real bath!
As of Friday, he was 11.7 lbs. I was there on Tuesday for his check-up and had to go back on Friday (he has reflux), I was concerned with his weight-gain, b/c he hadn't been eating well at all for a few days... But, Pedro must be inhaling his food, b/c he gained 6.5 oz in 4 days!
Size 1 diapers.

He rolled over from his belly to his back a couple weeks ago, but hasn't done it again since... Probably b/c he loathes tummy time and I don't make him struggle much.
He' and ice cream and cake and candy...
and loves being dangled in the air. :)
One of the few signs of reflux... thrusting of the tongue.
I just can't get enough of him!

Well, I hope these pictures make up for the lack of posts'! :) I think that's all for now!

Have a great week!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

HE IS PRECIOUS!! He looks so tiny compared to Nora. It just goes too fast!

Courtney said...

so sweet!

kate said...

what a handsome boy!

Brooke said...

L.O.V.E. - Miss you!
Brian, Brooke, Tyson, Jaxson and Dakota!

the lewis gang said...

get out! i can't believe it!!! he is a doll! i want to see him in person! mazzi has reflux too and sticks that little tongue out all the time! MORE PICS PLEASE!!! :)