This momma has been busy! ;-) I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but tell you that if I can do it, you can do it! I've started to make my own babyfood! haha! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever do it, but it's SO EASY! I can't believe how much babyfood has went up just since Cyd was eating it and that prompted me to give making it a go! Hopefully, I can keep up with it!
I always had this thought of how overwhelming it would be, but I did 2 a day while the girls were doing their blanket & p-n-p time and it was so surprising how much food you could make in such a little amount of time.
This is 4 days worth of work. I would go out on a limb and say that that would be worth ATLEAST $100... I probably spent $20. There's avocado, green beans, peas, bananas, applesauce, carrots, peaches and pears.
I loved making JD's baby food! It is so easy and inexpensive!! I swear he ate soo much healthier when I was pureeing his food too! :) You need to take some time for you though momma! Just sayin! :) No guilt while you are doing it either! :)
good for you! I want to try that with the next one!
Hi Andrea! Love, love, love your blog. I also made food for my daughter. I can't believe how much money we saved, and I felt good about all the fresh fruits and veggies I was giving her! Congrats on getting so much stocked up this week. :)
Jamie (Pierce) Hill
You are such a domestic diva! Next you will have your own show ;)
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